
Genevieve Bassellier

Associate Professor, Information Systems; Vice-Dean, Programs
Genevieve Bassellier
Contact Information
Email address: 
genevieve.bassellier [at] mcgill.ca
Alternate email address: 
lijuan.xue2 [at] mcgill.ca

Bronfman Building []
1001 rue Sherbrooke Ouest
Montreal, Quebec
H3A 1G5


PhD, Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia, Canada
MSc, HEC Montreal, Canada
BCom, HEC Montreal, Canada

Information Systems

Professor Bassellier joined the Faculty of Management in 2001. Her research examines the management of Information Technologies. She explores the role of social factors, knowledge and emotions in Information Technologies adoption and implementation. Her work has been published in MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, the Journal of AIS, the Journal of Management Information Systems and elsewhere. She is on the editorial board of JMIS and has served as Associate Editor for MISQ (2012-2016). She has served as Track co-Chair for ICIS and AMCIS, Associate Editor for ICIS, Doctoral Consortium Faculty Mentor at ICIS and AMCIS, program chair for DIGIT and chair of SIG-ADIT.She teaches these courses in the BCom, MBA, and PhD program.

Curriculum vitae: 
Tenured & Tenure Track
Research areas: 
Digital Goods
Digital Platforms
Information Technology Strategy
Technology & Innovation
Selected publications: 

Papers in Peer-Reviewed Journals

Bassellier, G. and J. Ramaprasad, “All External Reference Prices Are Not the Same: How Source and Fairness Shape Payment for Digital Goods”, Information Systems Research, forthcoming.
Bagayogo, F., Lapointe, L., and Bassellier, G. “Enhanced Use in the Post-Adoption Phase: A Conceptualization”, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 15(7), 2014, 361-387.
Cenfetelli, R., and G. Bassellier, “Interpretation of Formative Measurement in IS Research,” MIS Quarterly, 33(4), 2009, 689-707.
Bassellier, G. and I. Benbasat “Business Competence of IT Professionals: Conceptual Development and Influence on IT-Business Partnerships,” MIS Quarterly (28:4), December 2004, 673-694.
Bassellier, G., I. Benbasat, and B.H. Reich “The Influence of Business Managers' IT Competence on Championing IT,” Information Systems Research (14:4), December 2003, 317-336.
Bassellier, G., B.H. Reich, and I. Benbasat. “IT Competence of Business Managers: A Definition and Research Model,” Journal of Management Information Systems (17:4), Spring 2001, 159-182.

Books and Edited Volumes

Chapters in Books

Awards, honours, and fellowships: 




Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (2021-2024) “Adapting to using personal IT for work: The role of the IT Self-concept” Insight Development Grant, Sole investigator.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (2017-2019) “Dissuading digital piracy on online platform through persuasive computing.” Insight Development Grant, Principal investigator with Jui Ramaprasad, co-investigator.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (2015-2020) “Innovating with IT: the role of IT Competence for business users, managers and founders.” Insight Grant, Principal investigator with Izak Benbasat (UBC), co-investigator, and Jean-Gregoire Bernard (Victoria University of Wellington), collaborator,

Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la Société et la Culture (2015-2019) “Gagner à l’aide des technologies de l’information dans l’économie numérique,” Subvention de soutien aux équipes de recherche, (Alain Pinsonneault, principal investigator).

Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la Société et la Culture (2011-2015) “Gérer quatre défis d’implantation pour maximiser la valeur des technologies de l’information : une approche par les ressources excédentaires,” Subvention de soutien aux équipes de recherche, (Alain Pinsonneault, principal investigator).

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (2010-2013) “Are teams performing better when using electronic networks of knowledge?” principal investigator with Samer Faraj.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (2010-2013) “The IT professional as a customer service provider: a goals perspective”, co-investigator with Ron Cenfetelli.

Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la Société et la Culture (2006-2009) “Exploration du rôle des connaissances et mécanismes d’intégration des connaissances dans les projets en technologies de l’information,” Etablissement de nouveaux professeurs-chercheurs, principal and sole investigator.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (2005-2008) “Cross-functional knowledge and IT project performance,” principal and sole investigator.


Welt, Dominique and Bassellier, Geneviève, "For Better and Worst: IT Identity and Subjective Well-being" (2022). AMCIS 2022 Proceedings. 12.

Welt, Dominique and Bassellier, Genevieve, "Adapting to IT Consumerization: A Self-concept Perspective" (2021). DIGIT 2021 Proceedings. 5.

Welt, D., and G. Bassellier, “Benefiting from Tracking Yourself by Knowing Yourself”, AMCIS Proceedings. 2. August 2020. 2nd runner up for best Emergent Research Form papers.

Oppong-Tawiah, D., Bassellier, G. and A. Pinsonneault. "Tracing the Next-Generation Platform Firm: A Typology of Digital Platforms as New Organizing Forms" (2020). European Conference on Information Systems, Research-in-Progress Papers. 9. June 2020.

Ebner, K., Bassellier, G. and S. Smolnik. “The Role of IT Feature Recombinations in Individuals' Innovative Use of IT,” International Conference on Information Systems, Munich, Germany, December 2019.

Ganju, K. and G. Bassellier, “The Impact of Online Platforms on Labor Markets”, International Conference on Information Systems, Seoul, South Korea, December 2017.

Oppong-Tawiah, D. and G. Bassellier, “Digital Innovation, Platform Orientation and the Performance of IT Startups”, International Conference on Information Systems, Seoul, South Korea, December 2017.

Bassellier, G. and D. Oppong-Tawiah. “Converting Pirates through Participative Pricing Schemes for Digital Goods: Exploring Pay What You Want and Persuasive Computing in Online Music”, HICSS 2017.

Oppong-Tawiah, D., G. Bassellier and J. Ramaprasad, “Social Connectedness and Leadership in Online Communities,” International Conference on Information Systems, Dublin, Ireland, December 2016.

Krastel, Z, G. Bassellier and J. Ramaprasad, “Music is Social: From Online Social Features to Online Social Connectedness,” International Conference on Information Systems, Fort Worth, TX, December 2015.

Krastel, Z., G. Bassellier and J. Ramaprasad. “Enabling Social Connectedness: The Role of Social Features on Online Music Sites,” Conference of Information Systems and Technology, Philadelphia, PA, October/November 2015.

Oppong-Tawiah, D. and G. Bassellier, “IS Continuance in Experiential Computing Contexts: Linking Rational and Non-rational Behaviors through Technology Associability,” DIGIT workshop, Fort Worth, TX, December 2015.

Lee, K.Y., and G. Bassellier. “Learning in knowledge team: can passion in teams' activities help?.” Proceedings of the 52nd ACM conference on Computers and people research. ACM, 2014.

Lee, K.Y., G. Bassellier and S. Faraj, “The Role of Shared Team Passion, Expertise, and Shared Norms of ICT”, HICSS, January 2014

Bassellier, G., Ramaprasad, J. and M. Chisling, “Music Discovery and Music Consumption: An Individual-Level Analysis”, Statistical Challenges in E-business Research, Lisbon, Portugal, June 2013.

Zainuddin, E., Bassellier, G., and I. Benbasat, “Vendor and Client Project Managers: Exploring Complementary Competencies,” International Conference on Information Systems, Orlando, FL, December 2012.

Bassellier, G., Desmeules, R. and J. Ramaprasad. “Can Social Come to the Rescue? Monetizing Music in the World of Free, Conference on Information Systems and Technology, Phoenix, AZ, October 2012.

Kuruzovich, J., Bassellier, G., and V. Sambamurthy, “IT Governance Processes and IT Alignment: Viewpoints from the Board of Directors”, Proceedings of the 45th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Computer Society Press, 2012, 10 pages.

Mesgari, M. and G. Bassellier. “How Online Social Networks Create Value for Organizations: A Resource-based Perspective, AMCIS 2011 Proceedings – All submissions. Paper 336. .

Lee, K. Y., Lee, M., Bassellier, G. and Faraj, S., “The Impact of Emotional Expressions on Knowledge Creation in Online Communities”, International Conference on Information Systems, St-Louis, MO, December 2010.

Bagayogo, F., Lapointe, L. and G. Bassellier “Enhanced Use in the Post-Adoption Phase: A Conceptualization”, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Regina, Canada, June 2010.

Zainuddin, E., G. Bassellier, and I. Benbasat, “Outsourcing Projects Success: The Role of Competence and Leadership of the Vendors and Clients Project Managers,” SIGMIS-CPR, Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 2010.

Lee, K.Y. and G. Bassellier, “The Impact of External Knowledge Seeking in EKN on Individual Outcomes: Creative Performance, Knowledge Seeking Satisfaction, and Knowledge Adoption,” Academy of Management, OCIS division, Chicago, August 2009.

Lee, K.Y. and G. Bassellier, “A Theoretical Model of User Participation in Electronic Knowledge Networks (EKNs),” Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Niagara Falls, Canada, June 2009.

Caya, O., G. Bassellier, and A. Pinsonneault, “Virtual Team Common Knowledge: Construct Specification and Effect on Knowledge Integration Effectiveness,” International Conference on Information Systems, Paris, France, 2008 Proceedings. Nominated for Best Conference Paper.

Bassellier, G., E. Gagnon, and A. Pinsonneault, “Antecedents of IT Performance: an Empirical Study of the CIO and CEO Heterogeneity in two Different Environments”, 14th Americas Conference on Information Systems, Toronto, Canada, August 2008.

Lee, K.Y. and G. Bassellier, “Enhancing Creativity by Participating in Electronic Knowledge Networks,” Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Halifax, Canada, June 2008.

Bassellier, G. and I. Benbasat, “Assessing the Contributions of Business and IT Knowledge to the Development of IT/business partnerships,” SIGMIS, St-Louis, MO, April 2007.

Gagnon, E., G. Bassellier and A. Pinsonneault, “Complexity, Diversity, and Heterogeneity: Evidence Linking IT to Firm Performance,” Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Banff, Alberta, Canada, June 2006.

Bassellier, G., B.H. Reich, and I. Benbasat. “Assessing IT Competence in Business Managers,” International Conference on Information Systems, Atlanta, December 1997.

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